The populist
we don’t know
where this world
is going to go these days
all these madmen wanting to take us to the brink
it’s like a mahler symphony
so up and down, so full of bombast one minute
subtle and barely audible the next
no, it’s like a god awful soap opera
that’s reaching for ratings through bloodshed
and amal stands behind me cursing into his cell phone
he hold up an image of the populist
orange faced and combed over
a designer blue suit that still looks cheap
we watch him hitler salute a room full
of dead white relics hoisting american flags
he says, i hate this man
i hope someone knocks him out
i hope he falls down the stairs on national television
and breaks every bone in his body
i hope he….but amal doesn’t say it aloud
in this room full of mixed company and suspicion
he’s better than the men who want to run this country
he stands there all sweat and anger
he has known a kind of hatred in america
that i’ll never be able to describe
because i’ve been given a free pass with my skin
because i look like every man standing with the populist
the kind lone women still make wide ends around
when we’re coming home alone together in the dark
what is there to tell amal?
that he holds the future more than any of this?
this too shall pass…he shall fucking overcome?
yes, yes, i think i could do that
but amal has already put his phone away
storming out
he leaves me nothing to hold onto
but a wake of frustration and fear
the feminist
he says
yeah, man
she’s got a nice face’n’all
really pretty
those eyes
you know?
the kind of personality
i really dig
and she makes
some cash
but, man
the girl has no ass
i mean
like what am i gonna smack
when we get it on, right?
be like hittin’
you know what i’m sayin?
watching marshmallow
take a monstrous morning shit
in the barren flower bed outside my window
as his owner shouts into her phone
i think at least the two of them are consistent
unlike poetry or hot water in this place
they are like death and taxes
i never liked marshmallow, even as a pup
the kind of terrier mix you make big u-shapes around
with an insidious bark and that awful name
cooed at during periwinkle stretches
of the most ungodly of morning hours
the way his excrement stench wafts into the apartment
along with his owner’s cigarette smoke
along with the bleating, nasal pace
of her inane and desperate conversations
but still i stand there, hidden by navy blue curtains,
watching the dog do his business
like i’m viewing some sort of alien ritual
like an old man with nothing better on his agenda
than to spend his fleeting hours sitting in a laundromat
never understanding why i don’t get things done
as ms. owner stubs out another ciggie
suggests that someone on the other line bite her
the two of us mesmerized by marshmallow’s
big fat turd steaming in the march cold
fertilizing nothing by the frozen dirt and weeds
and the last line of another mediocre poem.
health nut
you can never really
do anything good for yourself except die
shake off that mortal coil
as the original slick willy wrote
and take a final bow to this calamity
but here i am anyway
freezing in this beast winter
running four miles
after another fruitless morning playing artist
already three S.U.Vs have tried to hit me
and the dogs have jumped at my legs
their barks and snarls echoing
as i trot down another potholed block
i think to myself how crazy this is
the sweat and the labored breathing
the pains in the knees and shoulder
the feeling that any moment
i could have a heart attack and drop
life was much easier on the couch
drinking scotch by the bottle
and thinking fuck it i know it all already
but still there is another hill to climb
another stretch of sun-soaked desolate road
another tank-sized baby stroller to circumnavigate
in the distance
the kid wailing above my ipod music
the mother’s fat ass swaying the length of the sidewalk
in stretchy black pants that do her no justice
and as i do the fast math wondering how i’ll pass this
i trip over a rock
a crack in the pavement, whatever
and go flying feet in the air across the street
like a fat, white lawn dart
landing on both palms and rolling on my left side
to the chuckles of high school kids
dressed like gang members and street walkers alike
crossing the street against the speeding traffic
horns honking they spin and dance
like they’ll live forever
and ever
and then some more.
the protester
how in the fuck
did i end up here?
i think as the cops
put up the barricades
on one end of the block
people call up the line of chanting thousands
that they’ve done so on the other end
how in the fuck?
thirty minutes before this
i was eating indian food on 46th street
and talking about going to see some van gogh
now i’m breaking the law
blocking a city block
or rather the cops have broken the law for us
by caging us all in
what is your endgame officer friendly?
america, you and your corporate politics
you and your pseudo-populists
on both ends of the spectrum
america i never liked you
and your hateful kind anyway
i just want to live somewhere
where i can read a book
and have a drink in peace
i’m an isolationist by nature
but you insist on
nominating authoritarian lunatics
so here i am
my belly still full from lunch
not a goddamned van gogh in sight
just thousands of kids with picket signs
and old hippies with their arcane slogans
dull, stone-faced cops
lining the street by the hundreds
billy clubs and guns
extra strands of handcuffs on their belts
thuggish tools
for the whole corrupt system
always ready to turn on a dime
and hurt the people they protect and serve
my little wife and i in the middle of this shit
a couple of dumbs
who should’ve followed their lunch
with some frozen yogurt
or a black and white cookie
stayed out of this circus
avoid maybe being arrested
or pepper sprayed by pigs in the pale afternoon
because the wrong people
are always being pepper sprayed or worse
in this rotted out hollow beast carcass
everyone here still keeps calling
the united states of america.