Φ Poetry by © Serafin Borgia Φ Art by JuLia Lee Sadowski Φ
Simmer down you -sexy mindfucks
soon the itchy parasites (will) return
to turn you back to spirits;
Soon-it all goes dark,
joy to fugue,
the big fat god of gods -forgotten ,
killers brooding deep & lonely
thick In the muck of love gone bad.
Lucky devils shimmering between lust and plight;
Satyrs fleeing the popular revolutions.
Limbo’s grime rewriting the story this world sold us.
Mind fucks turned to lightning and falling to slime.
The sexies distilled to pure chemical
then fusing to color .
Angels setting our chimeras’ boundaries;
Dark alphabets chanting lost crescendos.
Raspy vowels sliding past the old fangs ,
summoning the strange gods no one can teach us
how to worship
while we still share trenches
with a battered parade
of doppelgangers
& death heads
trying to score .
Their wars aren’t all we have- they’re just the best part of being
a good machine, but the worst (parts)are where It’s at.
The it that can purr you tantric
& kiss you loco.
But when the knowing gets to be too much ,
when you can’t handle your own mind
anymore, can’t stay in their magic,
Look again ( you’ll see) – –
It’s all a lie:
We weren’t born this sick .
Must be the weather
even that’s synthetic,
but just enough to be hip ,
like a sucker’s warm beer breath
filtered through a pimp’s dirty beard
lit up by dead stars fucking off
right above the brainwash factory’s
neon love salutes.
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