All Poems by @Ockbud
I wish not to leave here now
I am not ready to take my bow
This is where I belong for the moment
I am comfortable here although I’m broken
I made a life for which I am depended
I have not fixed what’s meant for mending
Please oh please don’t take me now
I am not ready to take my bow
When the time has come for me to pass
I will depart this earth with a final gasp
As for now I worry and wait
As I anxiously realize we know not our fate
“Heavenly Hell”
If I were to die
and made it to heaven
It would not be heaven without you
So, I will wait with you by your side
sit with you, lay in bed with you
endure the greatest of tortures.
The torture of being with you and not being able
To touch you
To kiss you
To feel your warmth,
To talk with you
To grow old with you
Hell it would be!
You not knowing that I am present
and yet still better than heaven without you
“Sink Holes“
Weeping Willows.
Sleeping on pillows while I creep beneath the sinkholes.
Alternate realities peeped through pin holes.
Found myself beyond my mentality which was once sinful.
Now my reality is both depressed and blissful.
Clear my visual, Life is complicated but simple.
Who’s to judge who’s insane, sane or mental.
I myself am only as graceful as my pencil.
Follow my minds direction, traced through imaginary stencils.
If this life is real, who provides its credentials?
It’s evidential that it’s indeed special but apparent it’s only but a rental.
No extension offered at the end…Sentimental!
Are we merely experimental, Accidental?
The big question… Intention, Divine Intervention?
The answer is written within your minds perception.
“Fibonacci Pi”
One four
One Five Nine
Two six five three five
Spiral of life keeps us alive.
Numbers of sequence, this is my Fibonacci Pi.
“Winds upon my Pillow”
Danced the winds upon my window Music played to a different tune Shattered glass rests upon my pillow my time has come to face my doom
Panic! Sets my heart in a race Hand on chest with my sweaty palm Begin feeling faint and flushed in face so hard to remain so relaxed and calm
Is this real and why happen now God please no, for it’s not my time Say goodbye or leave an unspoken vow I come to realize this life is not mine
Butterflies and clear skies await It was written but I know not my fate
Criminal instinct
Political Misfits
Subliminal wish lists given out on Christmas
Obey the Agenda
Or get put on a hit list
Poetry merged with Graffiti
Stickers Slapped
I also feed the needy
You don’t do crap,
And the rich are greedy!
What is Art?
Who’s to say?
Anything Created is Art I say!
Fuck My Poems they don’t get Published
Educated assholes say they are Rubbish.
I say fuck you and fuck me to
And quote Andre because…
“Roses really smell like boo boo”
“Apocalypse” by @Ockbud
Some think it’s strange that I’m obsessed with apocalypse
Doomsday metropolis
Title waves hit that copper chick
I’m loosing oxygen
Focus on the holiness
Mood change like foliage
Second coming virgin ovaries
War overseas
Famine and disease
The antichrist is seen
Fuck American Dreams!
There’s more hoes in the schools then there’s our on the streets
Jail, Bail, Criminal, Supreme
Politicians run free but they can’t run me
Speak for free, I got to speak freely
Media runs the T.V.
You better believe me
Just a formality
One more Pope according to Malachy
Pay less tax if you make higher salary
Gluttony, count your calories
Catch allergies
You are allergic to reality!
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