Decrease the corporation, Increase cooperation

Poetry and Art by Shannon Kringen IMG_7954_w

listen to me speaking it here:

incast the outcast

outcast the incast

incast the outcast

outcast the incast

decrease the corporation

increase cooperation

decrease the corporation

increase cooperation

thrive on deadlines

alive in headlines

thrive on deadlines

alive in headlines

authentic ejaculation of my soul

molten orange liquid glow

anger takes its toll

authentic ejaculation of my soul

molten orange liquid glow

anger takes its toll

fragile sense of self

intangible desire for wealth

unwrap the mummy


clap away the trap

inconoclast landed here

dear art and fear

incast the outcast

blasting puritanical canister

common ground

astounded in the round

center well

do tell

out of shell


no longer a martyr


letting ampersands free

to a degree

free to be

you and me

not necessarily joining

making peace with it

uncover whats within

releasing chemical

hard wired competition

a new kind of nutritional

intuition coming to fruition

thrive on deadlines

alive in headlines

raw energy source

divorced of course hoarse voices

cutting down

looked the self in mirror

said good bye

critics kindling for fire

hiring desire

walking the high wire

longing to ring

bringing in singing


leaving us in

win win


unusual love affair

twirling hair

carry up the stair

dare to stare down fear

getting clear

resisting wistful

curving straight

unravel in travel

features creatures

with outreaching heart




authentic ejaculation of my soul

molten orange liquid glow

anger takes its toll

incast the outcast

outcast the incast

incast the outcast

outcast the incast

decrease the corporation

increase cooperation

decrease the corporation

increase cooperation

thrive on deadlines

alive in headlines

thrive on deadlines

alive in headlines

index_logo07More Spoken Word : by Shannon Kringen

Musical Spoken Word Recordings : by Shannon Kringen:


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Global artists and writers dedicated to sharing creativity around the world.

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  1. My poem got published here “decrease the corporation, increase cooperation” by Shannon Kringen | Artist Shannon Kringen

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