Poetry by Joseph K. Wells ♦ Art by Tomas Honz
I am all withered within;
nothing can now set me straight.
I stand no chance to win
yet another fight against fate.
I’d hoped to share my joys with you,
but that you said caused you pain.
Even without the slightest adieu,
You made me a stranger again.
Breathing against this new reality,
my chest so tightly barbed.
I live but my non-entity,
with my corpse in flesh garbed.
And, while I put forward this broad chin,
as my love story ends in your words of hate,
I am all withered within;
nothing can now set me straight…
Sorry for causing
a nightmare
as I woke up
from your dream,
where you played
a fairy tale princess,
and I-
a beastly being.
Contrasted by
my imperfections,
you pictured
more pristine…
Sorry for causing
a nightmare
as I woke up
from your dream.
Joseph K. Wells is a businessman, doctor of occupational therapy, part-time academic and few wannabes from time to time. With his poetry pretty much forgotten over the past two decades, the old flame was rekindled a few months ago. He blames this on his midlife. Since the beginning of this year, his poetry has been published or accepted into multiple literary journals/ e-zines including the Section-8 Magazine.
See more art from Tomas Honz at: tomashonz.com,
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