Poetry by Amy Kotthaus ∗ Art by Gary Plummer
My eyes turn down,
from what’s in my blood
or watching your mouth
I do not know.
You passed your pack
down to my mother,
but she declined,
so I must shoulder it.
Bent and top heavy,
it makes me clumsy,
each pebble a boulder.
I create an ascent
of every downward slope.
Balancing the burden
ready to lurch
either way, me with it,
over the edge, off the path.
Even in all that tumbling,
the weight will not be shaken.
Passers-by stop throwing lines
I cannot grip with hands greased
from clutching my hair.
I will dig them into the dirt
and claw my own way
up this peakless mountain.
Twice she was approached
by a devil on the train,
pushing pamphlets, raving
of end times he didn’t know
had come and gone.
The rabid lilt of his sermons
worked a soporific.
She woke on Saturday
to find Mephistopheles
well-dressed at the door,
prepared to pray for the soul
he wished her to gift.
No time to entertain him,
she had fiends of her own making
singing her name in verse,
while Old Nick lay in bed.
Synaptic Ghosts
My pilgrim journey
is undulating fog.
The remembrance of cold
well water, quicksilver earth.
Visions of the future are
viscous ambiguities.
It curls my hair
and dampens my clothes.
Each day brings a lamp
to burn off the mist.
Those vaporous hands
I’ll never hold.

Perpetual Motion Machine
When it’s too much
perpetual motion machine,
I want to peel off my skin
and clean the sinew
and muscle from my bones.
You do the same, and lie
down here with me below
the white thread roots,
in the cool, quiet earth.
Let the land fill herself
in over us.
Wrap your skeleton arm
around mine; I’ll bend my leg
to rest on yours.
Sleep silent and still.

The Evangelist
In the dark, you bid them
speak in tongues.
Come morning, you shed them,
dried out skins.

the point of V
will slice across
cut my tongue
to say the word
blood will spill
stain my lips
red in public

Bio: Amy Kotthaus is a writer, translator, and photographer. Her work includes poetry, Latin translation, and black and white photography. She received her B.A. from the University of Southern Maine, and she currently lives in Maine with her husband and children
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