Poetry by Mitch Grabois ∅Art by Juan Alonso-Rodriguez
The fat Cuban library director
wanted me to read
at her college
but after she invited me
a higher administrator
took her aside and told her
that inviting someone like me
would be dangerous
a poet abrasive and volatile
with no loyalties
owing nothing to nobody
accustomed to telling ugly truths
a man who likes the
bared fang feel of telling them
So the fat Cuban library director
called me back and told me
her assistant would be in touch
but I had already seen through her
I already knew the game
but I played along
pretended she wasn’t a liar
lying for convenience
and for the sake of her career
like all the rest of the liars
I let her wallow in her stupidity
and opened a bottle of whiskey
good whiskey my son had given me
from when he worked in a distillery
not some cheap crap
Bukowski would have drank
in his dirty apartment
on the seedy side of Hollywood
I took a careful sip
Greed comes in many forms
and I wasn’t going to be a party to it
I didn’t need to read at that crappy backwater college
I didn’t need the money
I didn’t need the recognition
didn’t need to tell truths
or lies
Our society is like a chain-restaurant halibut
stuffed with the greasy cheese
and fake crab of Greed
and all I was going to do was eat a cheese sandwich
one slice of Pepper Jack cheese on oat bread
with a little mustard
I was going to eat it slowly
and I was going to sip the whiskey slowly
I was going to feel the planet settle
in the darkness
and I was going to hear the faint whisper
of the ocean
I was going to feel grateful that I live in Los Angeles
home of Nathaniel West and John Fante and Charles Bukowski
and that I live in California
home of Henry Miller
who didn’t care fuck-all
about the bullshit of the world
but slowly sipped absinthe
and walked down garbage-strewn alleys
feeling satisfied with his lot
a man with no money, no resources, no hopes
the happiest man alive
And I felt sorry for that fat Cuban library director
another victim
another human trapped in the jaws
of organizational life
Radioactive giantism
will feed the masses
They will crawl out from under their collapsed
garment factories
They will brush their damp and matted hair
from their foreheads
They will pick up knives and forks
spilled from the broken cafeteria
and they will attack
the hundred-foot oarfish
prehistoric and tasty
and the one-hundred-sixty-foot squid that
washed up on a Fukushima tide
Calimari for one and all!
Calamari for your tired and poor
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
They will eat gourmet seafood
Everything is good
It’s all good
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